ã€Ŋī¸Current Market Price

Current Market Price: Gauging the Real-Time Value of SALTZ Beyond Stablecoins.

Current Market Price

Current Market Price represents the Current Value of SALTZ in the crypto Market. It is the price at which SALTZ token were last traded. The Current Market Price (CMP) provides a nuanced valuation of the SALTZ token, by taking into account the total balance of an account while excluding the value held in stablecoins like USDT. In essence, it reflects the real market value of the SALTZ token when abstracting the static value brought by stablecoins.

CMP = (Total Balance - USDT) / CS

Let's illustrate the concept of Current Market Price (CMP) for SALTZ using a hypothetical scenario.


  • Total Balance in the account = $600,000

  • USDT (a stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar) = $100,000

  • CS (Circulating Supply of SALTZ) = 1,200,000 SALTZ

Using the formula: CMP = (Total Balance - USDT) / CS

Plug in the numbers: CMP = ($600,000 - $100,000) / 1,200,000 SALTZ

CMP = $500,000 / 1,200,000 SALTZ

CMP = $0.4167 per SALTZ

Thus, based on our example, the Current Market Price of SALTZ would be $0.4167.

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