🔐Security Measures

Fortifying Trust: The Security Backbone of SALTZ

Safety and security are paramount in the world of digital assets. At SALTZ, we take a multi-pronged approach to ensure that your investments and transactions are shielded from malicious intent. Here's a look into our robust security infrastructure:

  1. Regular System Upgrades: The digital world evolves rapidly. By periodically updating our system, we stay one step ahead of potential security threats, making sure our infrastructure is resistant to the newest hacking techniques.

  2. DDoS Protection: Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks can cripple platforms. Our servers are fortified with advanced DDoS protection mechanisms, ensuring our platform remains accessible even under attack.

  3. Data Encryption: All user data and transaction details are encrypted using advanced cryptographic techniques. This means even if a hacker gains access, the data they find will be indecipherable gibberish.

  4. Whale Protection: To prevent market manipulation by large holders, we've incorporated measures like the 'whale tax'. This deters massive buys or sells that can adversely affect the SALTZ price for other users.

  5. Community Alerts: Security is a collective effort. We maintain an open channel with our community, promptly alerting them to any suspicious activities and providing guidelines on best practices for safeguarding their assets.

In essence, SALTZ is not just about creating a valuable digital asset; it's about ensuring its ecosystem is a fortress against threats. We're committed to maintaining this shield, always prioritizing the safety and confidence of our users. Remember, with SALTZ, you're not just investing; you're joining a secure community.

Last updated