đŸŸŖCirculating Supply

Deciphering Circulating Supply: The Active Pulse of SALTZ in the Market

Circulating Supply refers to the Number of SALTZ that are publicly accessible and are circulating in the market. The circulating supply can increase or decrease over time. The Circulating Supply of SALTZ, indicates the number of tokens that are actively available in the market and can be bought or sold. It's derived by subtracting the number of burnt tokens (those permanently removed from circulation) from the initial amount released. Burnt tokens decrease supply and can potentially increase scarcity and demand.

Circulating Supply represents the concurrent Circulating Supply of SALTZ present at the moment and should never be confused with the Total supply of SALTZ.

The formula of Circulating supply is as follows;

Circulating Supply = Initial Token - Token Burnt

To simplify the concept, let's use the following hypothetical numbers:


  • Initial Token = 5,000,000 SALTZ

  • Token Burnt = 1,500,000 SALTZ

Using the formula: Circulating Supply = Initial Token - Token Burnt

Plug in the numbers:

Circulating Supply = 5,000,000 SALTZ - 1,500,000 SALTZ

Circulating Supply = 3,500,000 SALTZ

Thus, in this example, the Circulating Supply of SALTZ stands at 3,500,000 SALTZ.

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