๐Ÿ‹Whale tax

Navigating the Waters: SALTZ's Whale Tax System

In the vast ocean of cryptocurrency, there exists a titan known as the 'crypto whale.' These giants hold vast amounts of cryptocurrency, enough to potentially influence market values. To maintain a balanced ecosystem, we've introduced the Whale Tax.

Why the Whale Tax? For every gigantic splash made by a whale, we ensure it's a win-win for all SALTZ investors. This tax system safeguards interests, preventing large holders from manipulating prices, while also feeding back into the community.

Here's How It Works: Every time a whale dives into our sea of coins, an additional tax is levied, on top of the standard 10% transaction tax. This tax cascades as their holdings increase, ensuring no single entity dominates the ecosystem.

Tax Breakdown:

  • 31% fuels the staking reward pool (Vault).

  • 11.5% rejuvenates the referral reward pool.

  • 36.5% is set aside to be burnt, controlling supply.

  • 21% propels our project marketing efforts.

Whale Watch: As the whales grow, so does their tax contribution.

ยท If Buys 1-2% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 5% additional Tax

ยท If Buys 2-3% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 10% additional Tax

ยท If Buys 3-4% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 15% additional Tax

ยท If Buys 4-5% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 20% additional Tax

ยท If Buys 5-6% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 25% additional Tax

ยท If Buys 6-7% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 30% additional Tax

ยท If Buys 7-8% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 35% additional Tax

ยท If Buys 8-9% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 40% additional Tax

ยท If Buys 9-10% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 45% additional Tax

ยท If Buys >10% of total supply, 10% Regular Tax + 45% additional Tax

Additional Note: Once a SALTZ holder's transaction reaches or exceeds 10% of the total token supply, the applied tax rate becomes static at 55%. Therefore, even if the userโ€™s holdings were to increase beyond 10% of the total token supply, the maximum tax rate imposed on the transaction remains capped at 55%. This ensures that even as holdings grow, the tax rate does not increase further, providing a predictable tax landscape for large-scale investors within the SALTZ ecosystem.

The Ripple Effect: This unique system ensures that as whales make waves, the entire community benefits. Any major purchases only uplift SALTZ's value, avoiding significant price dips. So, whether you're a minnow or a whale, with SALTZ, the tide raises all boats.

Last updated